Tag Archives: strip planking process

Winged Friends, staging and tooling!

The Robins' Nest - is that the correct punctuation (maybe nest is a verb and so it's "The Robins Nest!"!

The Robins’ Nest – is that the correct punctuation (maybe nest is a verb and so it’s “The Robins Nest!”!

Well,  for the 2nd year (and despite my presence) the Robins have decided to nest in the air-hose reel… Well at least this time I figured this out… last time they got “spin-dryered” when I ran the hose out. At least they were only nest building (no eggs or chicks). Today there was definite “cheeping” and a lot of to-ing and fro-ing with worms and insects.

Woodworking, Staging and Tools

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Bored of Planking Now!

Only 65%

I was somewhat depressed to discover a few days ago that I had seemingly only laid 65% of the planks on the hull 😦  I seem to have been at it for EVER!!

…and while practice is making me marginally faster I would be happy if it was over!

The good news is that from here on the planks are getting shorter and today we reached a milestone as the planks on the transom crossed over! (see pics below).

Avoiding “the cut”

To avoid having to cut and fit lots of “ends” I am following Selway Fisher’s alternate plan which is to plank one side so that the planks cross the centreline, and then cut them off flush with this centreline – then plane these planks so that they form an “extension” of the chamfer on the opposite half of the hog. Then the planks on the second side can be planked straight over the first side, cut to approximate length and then the whole assembly planed flat ready to accept the deadwood.

This plan seems to offer a simple approach, which should provide a neat finish with no “iffy” joints… (or so the theory sais!) – you should be able to see on the shot from the transom, where the first few planks on the left-hand side have been planed ready to be planked over from the right… Hope that makes sense!!!

Planking reaches Hog at the Stem - click to enlarge

Planking reaches Hog at the Stem – click to enlarge

Planking reaches Hog at Transom - click to enlarge

Planking reaches Hog at Transom – click to enlarge


A little local difficulty

As we approach the end of the planking I am having a little trouble getting the last planks to fit… below are two pics showing where we are at…

In the one shot from the stem it’s the right hand side I am in trouble with (the plank after the one shown fitted here) and one showing the “S” shape we were following a couple of planks earlier (shot towards the stem)…

The S curce in planks near stem the twist in planks near stem